On September 6, 2005 twenty four ready and eager Peace Corps Trainees convened in Philadelphia for our pre service orientation. Among the 24 were people from all walks of life including, hippies, prepies, frat boys, middle aged men, and everything in between. One trainee in particular stuck out to me immediately, because of his amazing fashion sense. I think the first time I saw Wyatt he was wearing a rainbow stripped, skin tight polo shirt, blue jeans, and blue shoes. Throughout our training Wyatt continued to amaze us with his fashion sense. This included a sparkly unicorn T-shirt (skin tight of course), and loafer socks that he would pull up to his knees and wear with tight shorts.
Beyond his obvious sense of style, Wyatt was also the self proclaimed "smartest person in the group." He prooved this by having one of the best harvests from his pond and was chosen to make a speech in Lunda on television at our swearing in ceremony. Wyatt was setting himself up to be a very successful Peace Corps volunteer who we all grew to know and love. On Thursday night before our swearing in ceremony Wyatt died tragically. We are in Lusaka now getting counseling and trying to make sense of the situation. I am not allowed to give any details in regards to his death, but I will keep you all updated as much as possible. I should be posted at the end of next week and I only hope that I will be half the volunteer that Wyatt would have been. May he rest in peace.