Smyth On the Move

Friday, December 09, 2005

First Week at Site

Typical day at site: Wake up whenever I feel like (gosh). That is usually around 6:00 or 7:00. Sit on my front porch drinking coffee and listening to BBC news. Usually John Bolton is making some flipping remark about how he hates the U.N. After about 5 minutes of depressing news I decide that my time would be better spent sweeping my house or working in my garden or working on my fish pond. By 10:00 or so it gets too hot to work outside anymore, so I study Bemba or read a book. In the afternoon I go visit farmers. They usually cancel all their plans for the day (ex. Planting beans or corn) to visit with me and prepare a meal for me, their honored guest. I come back in the evening and do some more work around my house and cook dinner. I love my site, even though someone has stolen my dog (I am a little better about that). For example, I have to pass through my neighbor's yard to get water and I have yet to pass by without him insisting that his children go get water for me and bow down to me when they give me anything. I don't know how long this honorable treatment will last, but maybe only until they figure out that I don't really know anything.

Today I had to come to Kasama to get my work permit. Apparently, I am a day too late, so I may spend some time in Zambian prison if they catch me, which would make for an interesting blog (just kidding). I am a little shell shocked now after arriving in Kasama. Cash registers, people everywhere, cars, computers, deadlines, English. I can't wait to go back to my site.


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERY IMPORTANT to ALWAYS have your coffee 1st thing in the a.m. I was worried about that one. Bummer someone stole your dog...I put a CARE package in the mail for him. Maybe you can use it for trading material...


At 1:36 PM, Blogger Kindle said...

Sorry to hear about Lucky! Good to talk to you today, you are doing exciting work there!

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

maybe you can get a new dog?

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if the stupid guys visit you, the neighbors will soon learn that we know nothing. If you get a new dog... you should name it Twitch. Best wishes from California's Sierras. Rob

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once had a dog named Lucky... he had one eye and was deaf; he lost his legs cause he got ran over by a train (didn't hear it coming I guess). He had a dope set of wheels we set-up for him for his back legs; we even put "spinner" rims on them... he got all the female dogs in the hood... Bling Bling Bow Wow!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Devin Smyth said...

I am better off without Lucky anyway. I think he scared Zambians too much and I wouldn't have any friends in the village.


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